Friday 7 December 2012

Zodiac survey

Zodiac survey

I distributed a quick test to figure out if the zodiac sign personal characteristics is applied on reality or not ?

6 students answer right answers as their zodiac signs tell

1st question 
Bushra Adel
Bashayir Albarak

2nd question
no one 

3rd question 
Mariam Alghamdi
Fatimah Alaaly

I put them in categories of earth, fire, water, air

positive, creative, idealistic, and courageous within us; the intuitive as against reasoning.
Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

  • Shuorooq
  • Nouf
  • Daniah
  • Saman
  • Bashayir

consciousness of Physical Reality or Sensation and encompasses oudrive for material security, physical pleasure and social position.
Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
  • Ezdehar
  • Almaha Aldossary


conscious wish to live in a principled, logical, civilized manner. It is the piece that portrays, rationalizes, invents, communicates and co-operates with others.
Air signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
  • shrefa
  • Bushra
  • Mrs. Kate
  • Bayan
  • Arwa
  • Fatima Sarhan
  • Reem

characteristics of emotionour awareness of feeling and intuition or ‘soul quality‘. It is protective, nurturing, concerned with relationships, human values and represents our sensitivity and compassion.

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

  • Lina 
  • Mariam Alghamdi
  • Mariam Alrajeh
  • Bashayer Algow
  • Fatimah Alaaly
  • Suad
  • Amwaj

Chinese astrology

Chinese astrology is the divination of the future from the Chinese calendar, particularly its 12-year cycle of animals, referred to as the Chinese Zodiac. This fortune-telling system is derived from the principle characteristics of the system: the Zodiac, the five elements of Chinese thought, calendrical cycles based on astronomy, and ancient Chinese religion.

According to Chinese astrology, our universe consists of five basic elements namely Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. Everything, including humans, in the universe must have a relationship with these five elements. So the five elements are applied not only to every physical thing in the world, but also to the Colors, Directions, Seasons and Sounds, Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds of the Chinese Calendar. These elements, calculated from the date of birth and time, gives valuable insights in addition to their animal signs into the psyche of the person concerned, their inherent tendencies and their personalities in general.

WATER :- Intellectual, diplomatic, peaceful even at adversities, touched by art & beauty, nurturing, communicates well, intuitive, excellent negotiators, flexible & adaptable. Views things holistically, social and sympathetic.
Negative : Fickle minded, over sensitive, intrusive, easily exhausted, fearful, nervous and stress prone.

WOOD :- Explorer loves to be busy, hates. to lose, versatile, energetic, outgoing personality, visualizing, artistic, enthusiastic, public spirited, nurturing and finish tasks they have undertaken.
Negative : Impatient, angry and revengeful.

FIRE :- Happy-go-lucky, passionate, committed, adventurer, loves change, active, stands for honour and fairness, leaders, inspire others lis like rules, innovative, hates boredom and humorous.
Negative : Impatient, exploit others and have little thought for their feelings, aggressive, destructive and violent.

EARTH :- Diplomatic, loves people & to be of use, hates being ignored, resourceful, rhythmic & balanced, creative, wise, supportive, loyal, Possesses inner strength and dependable.
Negative : Nervous anticipation of nonexistent problems, obsessional and prone to.

METAL :- Reliable, inspirative, careful, hates disorder & clutter, joyous, malleable, energetic, communicative, good organizer, independent, happy in their own company, intuitive and interesting people.
Negative : Destructive, dangerous, sad, inflexible and serious.

Metal            Water            Wood            Fire            Soil/Earth
       Male Branch                        Monkey                  Rat                   Tiger                 Horse                Dragon,Dog
       Female Branch                     Hen                    RatPig                Rabbit             HorseSnake         Cow,Sheep

zodiac - westren zodiac

Zodiac concept contains a lot of small overlapping concepts which completing  each other to create the whole clear picture of zodiac. 

12 signs of the zodiac

Aries - March 21 - April 19 the Ram
Taurus - April 20 - May 20 the Bull
Gemini - May 21 - June 20 the Twins
Cancer - June 21 - July 22 the Crab
Leo - July 23 - August 22 the Lion
Virgo - August 23 - September 22 the Virgin
Libra - September 23 - October 22 the Scales
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21 the Scorpion
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 21 the Archer
Capricorn - December 22 - January 19 the Goat
Aquarius - Jan 23 - February 18 the Water-carrier
Pisces - February 19 - March 20 the Fishes

The zodiac signs symbol 


The zodiac signs planets

The zodiac signs categories 

Throughout history fire has played an integral role in every culture and religion. Without it the course of civilization would have taken a different path. Often considered a metaphysical constant of the world, in astrology fire represents the animating force behind our need to self assert our will or ‘Spirit’, and our recognition of a wish for life. It is the positive, creative, idealistic, and courageous within us; the intuitive as against reasoning.

Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

In ancient Greek philosophy and science earth was commonly associated with qualities of heaviness, matter and the terrestrial world. In classical Western astrology it represents our consciousness of Physical Reality or Sensation and encompasses our drive for material security, physical pleasure and social position.

Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Commonly referred to as a universal power or pure substance the implied fundamental importance of air to life manifests in words such as aspire, inspire, perspire and spirit; all derived from the Latin spirare. In astrology air represents our conscious wish to live in a principled, logical, civilized manner. It is the piece that portrays, rationalizes, invents, communicates and co-operates with others.

Air signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

In contemporary esoteric traditions water is commonly associated with the characteristics of emotion, our awareness of feeling and intuition or ‘soul quality‘. It is protective, nurturing, concerned with relationships, human values and represents our sensitivity and compassion.

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Zodiac gemstone 

Zodiac eyes shapes

Zodiac makeup


The sky is the most mysterious part of our everyday experience. Familiarity may make the amazing events going on at ground level seem almost ordinary. Plants and animals grow and die, rain falls, rivers flow. We feel we understand that.

But the sky is beyond comprehension. Two great objects travel through it, one hot and constant, the other cold and changeable. In the daytime it is moody; there may be blazing sun, or racing clouds, or darkness followed by thunder and lightning. And yet on a clear night the sky is the very opposite - predictable, if you look hard enough, with recognizable groups of stars moving in a slow but reliable manner.

Man's interest in the sky is at the heart of three separate stories -


Astronomy is the scientific study of sun, moon and stars

Astrology is a pseudo-science interpreting the supposed effect of the heavenly bodies on human existence. In early history the two are closely linked.

It is the Babylonians who introduce the useful concept of the zodiac.

The Babylonians realize that the zodiac - the sequence of constellations along which the sun and the planets appear to move in their passage through the heavens - can serve as a yardstick of celestial time if divided into recognizable and equal segments. They select twelve constellations to represent these segments, many of them identified by the names of animals. The Greeks later provide the term for the zodiac when they describe it as the 'animal circle' (zodiakos kyklos).

The zodiac links constellations with times of the year; and the constellations have their own links with the gods. So scientific observation of star positions merges with speculation about divine influence.

The zodiac, as a concept, is of use to both astronomers and astrologers.